
Standard specification of DIN 82

DIN 82 Knurling, standard by Deutsches Institut Fur Normung E.V. (German National Standard), published on Jan. 01, 1973.


There are generally two different types of knurling process: cut knurling and form knurling. Each of these processes has its own particular areas of application with correlated properties:


 RAA 0º    RBL 45º    RBL 30º    RBR 45º    RBR 30º    
knurl with axially parallel grooves left-hand knurl, spiral angle 30 degrees left-hand knurl, spiral angle 45 degrees right-hand knurl, spiral angle 30 degrees right-hand knurl, spiral angle 45 degrees  



 RGE 30º    RGE 45º    RGV 30º    RGV 45º    RKE    RKV  
left-right knurl, spiral angle 30 degrees, points raised left-right-hand knurl, spiral angle 30 degrees, left-right-hand knurl, points raised left-right-hand knurl, points indented left-right-hand knurl, points indented, 45 degrees cross-hatched knurl, points raised, 90 degrees cross-hatched knurl, points indented, 90 degrees


Ref: How to control the tolerance after knurling?

Form knurling

• The external diameter of the workpiece will be increased.

• It will compress the surface of the workpiece.

• Not recommended for thin materials.

• Form knurling on workpieces with a small diameter is possible to result in slightly plastic deformation on its end, as mentioned previously in "Diamond Knurling Operation on CNC Lathe".

• The CNC lathe is subjected to a greater load due to the higher pressure.

• Slower cutting speed and feed rate, compared to cutting knurling.

Cut knurling

• Maximum precision and surface quality

• Can be used for knurling thin materials without deformation

• Saves time on account of higher cutting speed and feed rate

• Compatible with virtually any material, including cast iron and plastic

• Cutting process with less loading protects the top end CNC lathe.

• No or minimal changes to the external workpiece diameter.


Case study: Cross Knurling Profile DIN 82-RGV

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